Courtesy Post Pets

Courtesy Posts are used to assist the community in rehoming a personal pet, as an alternative to having to surrender to a Shelter. Because these pets are not at H.A.L.O., we cannot guarantee the temperament of any pet adopted through these posts. Please direct all inquiries to the name/number/e-mail listed.

Posted Date: 3/1/25

Pet’s Name: Rambo

Age: 6 Years

Breed: Rottweiler

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, New baby in the household.

About Me: Rambo is a really sweet and friendly dog. He listens to command and loves people. 

He is picky with other dogs so it would be better if he is the only one there.

My Pet Is: Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful. 

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car. 

My pet is good with: Children over 5yrs old, Men, Women, New People. 

Would love a home with: someone to give him love. 

Person to contact if interested: Anais at 954-740-7073 at [email protected]

Location: Ft. Lauderdale, FL 

Posted Date: 3/1/25

Pet’s Name: Samson

Age: 11 Years

Breed: Shorthaired Cat

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Pet has health problems we are unable to handle. 

About Me: Samson has been an amazing cat.  He has been with our family since my daughter was young and he’s been a comforting presence for her growing up.  He’s always been good with our 3 kids and tolerated our dog quite well.  He likes to curl up with someone at night and is low maintenance other than his recent health issues.

My Pet Is: Calm, Affectionate

My Pet Likes: To be with people

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children over 5yrs old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: a soft blanket to lay on.

Medical Needs: Severe constipation.

Person to contact if interested: Maggie at 321-507-2654 or [email protected]

Location: Melbourne, FL 

Posted Date: 2/27/25

Pet’s Name: Cora

Age: 5 Years

Breed: Shorthaired Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Our original cat can’t stand being with another cat. 

About Me: We have had Cora for a few weeks now and Cora is a sweet and loving girl with tons of energy! 

She has never attempted to fight or become aggressive with us or our cat, our cat just can’t handle being with another animal so we can’t keep her 🙁

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Affectionate, Playful 

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted

My pet is good with: Cats, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with:  People and lots of toys! 

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Trinity 786-877-2133 or 352-213-4121 or [email protected]

Location: Melbourne, FL 

Posted Date: 2/26/25

Pet’s Name: Milo

Age: 9 Years

Breed: Terrier Mix

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: New person in the home doesn’t get along with pet; New baby in the house is having problems.

About Me: Milo loves to snuggle on the couch or bed for sleep! He also gets the zoomies and will run around the yard super fast and will make you laugh. He is very obedient and doesn’t try to run away.

My Pet Is: Shy (hides)

My Pet Likes: To be with people. 

My pet is good with: Men, Women. 

Would love a home with:  a yard and no young children. 

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Myranda at 321-525-2263 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL 

Posted Date: 2/26/25

Pet’s Name: Coda Blue

Age: 1 Year

Breed: Black Lab

Gender: Female

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet; Not enough time to spend with pet.

About Me: Coda blue is a good dog and is very protective and she loves hugs, she also loves to play a lot. She is food driven she is also NOT TRAINED so that comes with a lot of baggage as well. She like to eat anything in site. 

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Eager to please, Playful 

My Pet Likes: To be petted, To ride in the car.

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children 

Would love a home with: n/a 

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Shakara at 321-503-6255 or [email protected]

Location: Orlando, FL 

Posted Date: 2/26/25

Pet’s Name: Tigger

Age: 10 Years

Breed: Boxer Mix

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Not enough time to spend with pet; New baby in the household. 

About Me: Tigger is a fun loving dog. He loves to cuddle and play. He loves to get some sun outside and does great in cars. 

My Pet Is: Calm, Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful 

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car.

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children of all ages, Women. 

Would love a home with: n/a 

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Michelle at 305-505-5095 or [email protected]

Location: Port St. Lucie, FL 

Posted Date: 2/26/25

Pet’s Name: Freya

Age: 5 Years

Breed: Longhaired Ragdoll Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles; New baby in the household; Daughter has an immune deficiency disorder and is reacting to the cat. 

About Me: Freya is super loving and sweet, she loves her cat tower and to sleep in my room at night. 

My Pet Is: Friendly, Affectionate. 

My Pet Likes: To be with people. 

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children over 5 years old.

Would love a home with: lots of attention.

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Farron at 321-917-4234 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL 

Posted Date: 2/26/25

Pet’s Name: Oliver

Age: 2.5 Years

Breed: Cat

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles. 

About Me: Oliver is a sweet boy and loves treats and belly rubs. Slinkys are his favorite toys. My son is able to hold and carry him around with no problems.

My Pet Is: Calm, Playful. 

My Pet Likes: To be petted, To be held or carried.

My pet is good with: Children over 5yrs old. 

Would love a home with: someone who will take the time to play with him. 

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Nichole at 772-349-3063 or [email protected]

Location: Ft. Pierce, FL 

Posted Date: 2/26/25

Pet’s Name: Bella (Pandora)

Age: 6 Years Old

Breed: Bengal Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet; Not enough time to spend with pet; She is very skittish and shy so needs a quiet environment to thrive.

About Me: Bella loves to play with you and a toy. She is a beautiful cat and just needs a quiet, loving environment to come back out of her shell and thrive. She will need to be the ONLY cat because she is very fearful of everything. I rescued her from a greedy breeder who was going to put her down because she bred her at 7 months, and being young, inexperienced, and kept in a kennel, she killed her kittens. 

My Pet Is: Sensitive, Nervous, Playful, Shy (hides), Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be petted.

My pet is good with: Men, Women.

Would love a home with: she loves her cat tower where she can hide.

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Jayme at 321-343-1734 or [email protected]

Location: Barefoot Bay, FL

Posted Date: 2/21/25

Pet’s Name: Olympia & Feyre (Fey-ruh) & Ashoka

Age: 4 Years & 5 Years & 1 Year

Breed: Rabbit

Gender: Females

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: New baby in the household; Landlord won’t allow pets. 

About Me: Olympia – Olympia is such a sweet bunny! She comes to you for pets and loves to give kisses by licking your hands and ankles. She goes crazy for cilantro and kale.

Feyre – Feyre is very shy but super sweet! She’s so fluffy and loves to be petted once she warms up to you. She loves foraging and digging on her mat for treats.

Ashoka – Ashoka is a sweet little girl, she loves strawberries and to be held. She likes being brushed with a comb.

My Pet Is: Olympia – Active (lots of energy), Shy (hides).

Feyre – Quiet (laid back), Shy (hides)

Ashoka – Friendly, Affectionate

My Pet Likes: Olympia – To be brushed, To be petted.

Feyre – To be petted. 

Ashoka – To be brushed.

My pet is good with: Dogs

Would love a home with: Lots of attention, bonded trio of rabbits so need to stay together.

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Lane at 407-973-5175 or [email protected]

Location: Saint Cloud, FL

Posted Date: 2/20/25

Pet’s Names: Minnie

Age: 3 Years

Breed: Jack Russell/Chihuahua Mix 

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Not enough time to spend with pet; Can’t afford the costs involved in having a pet. When we got our dogs we lived in Michigan with a nice fence to keep the dogs in. Now our house in Florida has a fence, but the dogs can get through the fence. In addition, our neighbor has mean dogs that our dogs have had issues with, causing us to be worried about their safety. We have also added two more kids to our family (now 7 in total) which gives us more responsibilities, less time and money to spend with our dogs. Minnie does have issues going to bathroom in the house. Will run out the door if left open which we have a problem with because kids will leave the door open when going outside.

About Me: Minnie is a very active dog who loves to be with you and watch for people coming to your home. She is loud at times when she gets excited, making her presence known, but calms down. She love snuggling with you at bedtime. She is crate trained and loves a belly rub.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Affectionate, Playful, Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be held or carried, To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children of all ages, Men, Women

Would love a home with: a securely fenced yard.

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Matthew at 616-901-7253 or 616-930-7883 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Kittens

Age: Less than 1yr

Breed: DSH Tabby Cats

Gender: Males

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet, Found in an abandoned apartment

About Me: Sweet, lovable, affectionate. Loves kids. Bonded pair of tabby cats. I, unfortunately, cannot have them. They were found at my husband’s job and only took them to find them homes.

My Pet Is: Friendly, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, To be with people, Playful 

My pet is good with: Dogs, Cats, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: n/a

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Connor at 331-452-1701 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Lyra

Age: 6 Years

Breed: DSH Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Does not like other cats. 

About Me: Lyra is a sweet, lovable girl. She’s very shy at first. She doesn’t mind dogs if they leave her alone. She does not like other cats. She would be perfect for a relaxed, stress free environment. She is slow to come around but once she does she is a cuddler and loves to be in the same room with you. She responds best to being called Pretty Girl.

My Pet Is: Quiet (laid back), Nervous, Friendly, Affectionate, Shy (hides)

My Pet Likes: To be petted.

My pet is good with: Dogs, Women

Would love a home with: someone who will keep her indoors only and with no other cats. 

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Danielle at 321-266-4421 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Sasha

Age: 7.5 Years

Breed: Rottweiler

Gender: Female

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Not enough time to spend with pet, Landlord won’t allow pets, Not enough space for pet, Pet shows aggression towards other animals, HOA I’m renting out of is insisting she leave property as well.

About Me: Snuggle and chew on her toys, loves to play tug of war with rope.

My Pet Is: Sensitive, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car.

My pet is good with: Children over 10 years old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: a fully fenced yard with no gaps, lots of snuggles, children over 10. 

Medical Needs: none.

Person to contact if interested: Jeanna at 978-751-6370 or [email protected]

Location: Titusville, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Bear

Age: 1 Year

Breed: Husky / Pit Mix

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Part of a litter that is now showing pack aggression and needs to be separated

About Me: Super sweet, thinks he is a lap dog. Wants to cuddle all day!

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be petted, To be brushed, To be with people, To ride in the car

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: a fenced yard. 

Medical Needs: none.

Person to contact if interested: Jackie at 678-378-8869 or [email protected]

Location: St. Cloud, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Meg

Age: 1 Year

Breed: Husky / Pit Mix

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Part of a litter that is now showing pack aggression and needs to be separated

About Me: Meg is a big goofball, doesn’t realize she is a giant just wants to cuddle and run around.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be petted, To be brushed, To ride in the car, To be with people.

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: a fenced yard. 

Medical Needs: none.

Person to contact if interested: Jackie at 678-378-8869 or [email protected]

Location: St. Cloud, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Buddy

Age: 7 Years

Breed: Pit Bull / Terrier Mix

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Death in the family.

About Me: Buddy is a very loving and affectionate dog.  He is happiest when getting scratched on his belly.  He is playful and loves to play along with his person.  He also tries to speak the words I Love You.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Nervous, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be petted, To ride in the car

My pet is good with: Men + Women

Would love a home with: fenced yard, to be the only dog, and no small children. 

Medical Needs: none.

Person to contact if interested: Jane at 772-532-8593 or [email protected] [email protected]

Location: Sebastian, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Luna

Age: 4 Years

Breed: White DLH Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: New person in home does not get along with pet; Landlord won’t allow pets.

About Me: n/a

My Pet Is: Calm, Friendly, Shy (hides), Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be petted

My pet is good with: Children Over 10 Years Old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: n/a 

Medical Needs: none.

Person to contact if interested: Meghan at (772) 940-6276 or [email protected]

Location: Sebastian, FL 

Posted Date: 2/8/25

Pet’s Names: Princess

Age: 9 Years

Breed: Black & White DSH Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: New person in home does not get along with pet. 

About Me: My Princess is a loving, cuddling, well behaved cat. She loves people and is always out hanging out with everyone who comes over. We recently have a new toddler in our home, and Princess is stress grooming. I hate to get rid of her, however she doesn’t deserve to be stressed out. She gets along well with other animals, and possibly a toddler who knows how to treat her properly.

My Pet Is: Quiet (laid back), Calm, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children Over 5 Years Old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: attention and love.  

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Jennifer 321-848-3920 or [email protected]

Location: Rockledge, FL 

Posted Date: 2/8/25

Pet’s Names: Sage

Age: 1 Year

Breed: Bull Mix

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles. 

About Me: Sage is truly a fun loving sweet girl. Sage loves to spend time with her owners and loves to play fetch. Sage is also obsessed with watching other dogs on tv 😂 

She is a great listener, eager to please her owners and learns very quickly.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Sensitive, Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful, Shy (hides), Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car.  

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children of all ages, Men, Women

Would love a home with: fenced yard. 

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Candice at 508-566-4260 or [email protected]

Location: Port St. Lucie, FL 

Posted Date: 2/8/25

Pet’s Names: Oscar

Age: 5 Years 

Breed: Beagle / Treeing Walker Coonhound

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Not the right home.

About Me: Oscar is a sweet lovable dog. He is house, crate, and command trained. He loves pets, hugs and playing. He currently lives with two small dogs and his grandma and grandpa. He used to live with two cats and respects their space. His mom was no longer able to care for him, but unfortunately, we are not the right home for him.

Oscar is very much a sight, and scent hound. He air-scents, bays, and if given the opportunity, chases prey.

He will require an experienced owner.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Playful, Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted. 

My pet is good with: Dogs, Cats, Men, Women

Would love a home with: a high fenced yard and trees.

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Liz at 630-777-1174 or 630-506-4120 or [email protected]

Location: Jupiter, FL

Posted Date: 2/8/25

Pet’s Names: Bear

Age: 10 Months

Breed: Black Lab / Heeler 

Gender: Male

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet; Not enough time to spend with pet; Landlord won’t allow pets; Not enough space for pet; Pet grew larger than expected; Playful needs a yard. 

About Me: n/a

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful 

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, To be with people, To be petted

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children Over 5 Years Old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: fenced yard and play time.

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Kathy at 706-982-2638 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL

Posted Date: 2/8/25

Pet’s Names: Milo

Age: 1.5 Years

Breed: Brown Tabby Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, Allergic to the pet

About Me: Milo is a very social and friendly kitty who loves to play and cuddle. He enjoys being with company and will follow you around. He has no hesitance with new people or pets. Extremely sweet and lovable!

My Pet Is: Sensitive, Calm, Friendly, Affectionate, Playful, Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be held or carried, To be with people, To be petted. 

My pet is good with: Dogs, Cats, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: attention and care.

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Adriana at 786-328-1531 or [email protected]

Location: Miami, FL

Posted Date: 2/7/25

Pet’s Names: Kaja

Age: 5 Years

Breed: English Pointer

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Not enough time to spend with pet, Pet destroys furnishings, pet is too loud. 

About Me: Kaja loves being outdoors. She is friendly and will follow you everywhere. She likes other animals and humans and will approach you to say hello. Her breed is known to have a stubborn streak, but she will listen when called. She would rather sit next to her human than sit in her own bed.

My Pet Is: Nervous, Calm, Friendly

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car.

My pet is good with: Dogs, Cats, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: acreage; constant company of a human. 

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Hanna at 805-760-7066 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL

Posted Date: 2/7/25

Pet’s Names: Xena

Age: 3 Years

Breed: German Shepherd Mix

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Not enough time to spend with pet, Not enough space for pet, Pet shows aggression towards other animals.

About Me: She loves to be with someone as much as possible. She loves to play and is sweet.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Sensitive, Nervous, Eager to please, Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be with people. 

My pet is good with: Children over 10 years old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: No other pets and someone who can spend most of their time with her.

Medical Issues: She is on Prozac, but has no medical issues.

Person to contact if interested: Alyssa at 509-828-3118 or 509-319-5131 or [email protected]

Location: Rockledge, FL

Posted Date: 2/7/25

Pet’s Names: Baby Bear & Camo

Age: 12 Years / 10 Years

Breed: Black DLH Cat / Orange & White DSH Cat

Gender: Males

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed:Personal or family health troubles, Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet, Death in the family, Not enough time to spend with pet, Allergic to the pet, Moving in with elderly father who is allergic.

About Me: Bear found me several years ago so I do not know his/her age.  He loves to drink like a raccoon (also called baby Bear) from his paws.  He loves attention and being on the screened patio.  He is very laid back and loves to snuggle and care for Camo (bonded pair) and me.  He does not know he is a cat except he likes to sleep.

Camo is an absolute blast! He greets you at the front door. He is extremely affectionate with me and climbs all over me.  He loves to play and run around.  As soon as you put a cardboard box on the floor he is jumping into it.  He also likes to get under the covers when you make the bed. He loves his tower and scratching posts.  He doesn’t not claw furniture (neither does Bear but I forgot to put that).  I have had him since he was a baby but I didn’t write down when that was.

My Pet Is: Bear – Quiet (laid back), Calm, Friendly, Playful 

Came – Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Affectionate, Playful, Talkative

My Pet Likes: Bear – To be with people, To be petted

Came – To be held or carried, To be with people, To be petted.

My pet is good with: Children over 10 years old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: Bear – someone to spend time and love on him. 

Camo – Lots of attention and an outside area (patio). I would love for the home to be close so I could visit periodically.  Camo is very attached to me and it breaks my heart to have to rehome him.  He is so playful, but it isn’t an issue.  He tuckers out pretty quickly.

Medical Issues: None

Person to contact if interested: Christine at 321-431-0687 or [email protected] 

Location: Grant, FL

Posted Date: 2/5/25

Pet’s Names: Rico & Nala

Age: 9 Years

Breed: Large Mixed Breeds

Gender: Male & Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet, Not enough time to spend with pet, Not enough space for pet, I had spine surgery and they are too much for me to handle now.

About Me: Rico is a big goof. Very sweet and energetic. Loves attention. Loves kids. Loves car rides. His favorite thing to do is go outside and sniff every piece of grass he can lol He loves to tug his bone toy with his sister, Nala and he loves her very much!

Nala is very loving. She enjoys chewing her bone. She is very laid back. Enjoys attention and affection. Loves kids and outside time. She loves her brother Rico the most.

My Pet Is: Rico – Active (lots of energy), Sensitive, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful

Nala – Quiet (laid back), Calm, Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: lots of attention and a yard to go outside and explore.

Medical Issues: None

Person to contact if interested: Daphne at 772-302-1557 or 772-370-6544 or [email protected]

Location: Vero Beach, FL

Posted Date: 2/5/25

Pet’s Names: Loki

Age: 4 Years

Breed: Mixed Breed

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: New baby in the household, Pet is struggling to live with his sibling

About Me: Loki is a lover, loves walks, to have his back scratched and enjoys being around people.  He likes chasing squirrels.  

He is a fun loving dog and loves to go on walks.  He also thinks he is a small dog when he is 80lbs. He is crate trained and likes sleeping in his crate.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Quiet (laid back), Calm, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful, Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted, To be brushed, To ride in the car.

My pet is good with: Children Over 5yrs, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: fenced yard, lots of back scratches, lots of walks (he loves them!) 

Medical Issues: Seasonal Allergies

Person to contact if interested: Michelle at 412-523-3105 or [email protected]

Location: Jupiter, FL

Posted Date: 2/5/25

Pet’s Names: Midnight

Age: 8 Months

Breed: Lab / Pit Mix

Gender: Male

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Landlord won’t allow pets.

About Me: Sweet active boy. Likes to cuddle. Had to move and can’t keep him. 8 months old, very friendly, gets along well with other dogs. 

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted.

My pet is good with: Dogs, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: fenced yard preferably for exercise and lots of attention. 

Medical Issues: None

Person to contact if interested: Walter at 321-288-5548 or [email protected]

Location: West Melbourne, FL

Posted Date: 1/30/25

Pet’s Names: Summer Rose

Age: 5 Years

Breed: Boxer/Terrier Mix

Gender: Female

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Landlord won’t allow pets.

About Me: Loves to cuddle and kiss. Very happy dog. Crate and house trained. 

My Pet Is: Quiet (laid back), Affectionate. 

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted.

My pet is good with: Children of all ages, men, women. 

Would love a home with: lots of attention.

Medical Issues: None

Person to contact if interested: Anteria at 772-778-0109 or [email protected]

Location: Sebastian, FL

Posted Date: 1/27/25

Pet’s Names: Coco

Age: 3 Years

Breed: Mastiff Mix

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Have to relocate.

About Me: Coco is the perfect dog for a family. Loves to run and play. Very smart dog.

My Pet Is: Quiet (laid back), Calm, Affectionate, Playful, Shy (hides). 

My Pet Likes: To be with people.

My pet is good with: Children over 5yrs old, Men, Women.

Would love a home with: Lots of attention and a big backyard.

Medical Issues: None

Person to contact if interested: Nehemie at 772-302-4064 or [email protected]

Location: Port St. Lucie, FL

Posted Date: 1/24/25

Pet’s Names: Hunter

Age: 3 Years

Breed: Bengal Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Has territorial marking issues/bullies other cats. Has escape issues.

About Me: Hello! Hunter is a stunning orange bengal with darker brown markings. He is a loving, frisky, playful boy who deserves a home that matches his needs. He is having issues with our other cats that consist of bullying and marking. I say he has territorial marking issues because he only pees where our other cats have slept. He gets along amazing with our dogs and always has. He will need about a month or so of having his own room to adjust to his new environment. Once adjusted he is the most loving, talkative boy out there. He loves humans and would do best having a family all for himself. Hunter has escaped our screened in porch and ran through our feet to get out the door. His new home will have to be extremely cautious of these things. He LOVES the outdoors.

My Pet Is: Quiet (laid back), Affectionate, Playful, Talkative. 

My Pet Likes: To be with people. 

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children over 10yrs old, Men, Women.

Would love a home with: a catio and a home with prior experience with his breed (Bengal). 

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Riley at 607-205-7241 or [email protected]

Location: Vero Beach, FL

Posted Date: 1/24/25

Pet’s Names: Penny Lane

Age: 7 Years

Breed: Italian Greyhound / Chihuahua

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, Not enough time to spend with pet, Pet shows aggression towards other animals, Pet shows aggression towards people, Allergic to the pet. I just retired want to travel and am busy taking care of my sons toddler and another baby is due in 2 months. we have to leave Penny alone too much. Also she is a dog that sheds and my husbands allergies are being affected by this.

About Me: She likes to be in the house sitting next to her owner where she feels most comfortable and safe. She loves to be petted and to have close contact with owner. She is very sweet to owner and will follow owner around as she is curious and likes to see what is going on. She notices any new thing you bring in the house and has to inspect it. She is trained to pee and poop outside and to sit for her treats and understands the word no.

She loves treats after her walks. I keep the bowl full and she eats when she wants, Nutro about 1-2 cups a day. She wont eat when we are out only when she is safe secure and we are home. She loves to play with owner but not other dogs. She has always been fearful of loud noises outside and any strangers but she will warm up to you once she gets to know you. She will alert you if anyone approaches the house.

Her face is beautiful and she gets many compliments on how cute she is. She is only 18 pounds, a skinny thing but her legs are long like a greyhound and when she sits on hind legs she looks noble, though she is afraid playing with other dogs.

When we come home from being out she is so happy to see us her tail wags nonstop and she shows her excitement by running from one corner of the room to another so we proceed to chase her and she loves it. At first she is afraid in the car but settles down and loves the ride. She will roll over when real comfortable wanting you to rub her belly.

My Pet Is: Quiet (laid back), Sensitive, Nervous, Affectionate, Playful, Shy (hides).

My Pet Likes: To be held or carried, To be petted, To ride in the car.

My pet is good with: Children over 10 years old, Men, Women. 

Would love a home with: a lot of attention, a place to sit and look outside, a dog bed, and a special blanket. 

Medical Issues: Just the flea prevention monthly due the 21st of every month, I have plenty left.

Person to contact if interested: Susan at 781-724-5205 or [email protected]

Location: Lake Worth, FL

Posted Date: 1/23/25

Pet’s Names: Cheeseburger

Age: 6 Years

Breed: American Shorthair Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet, Divorce or separation

About Me: Cheeseburger, aka cheese is large and in charge. A true queen, really. She runs the place. She would thrive in a home that does not have another cat similar to her. Cheese loves water, especially running water from a sink. Cheese tolerates dogs and children. Well she really just tolerates everyone. She also loves car rides.

My Pet Is: Friendly, Affectionate, Playful, Talkative 

My Pet Likes: To be petted, to ride in the car

My pet is good with: Dogs, Cats, Children of any age, Men, Women, New people

Would love a home with: lots  of sunlight and cat scratchers.

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Anaseli at 689-318-3959 or [email protected]

Location: Orlando, FL

Posted Date: 1/23/25

Pet’s Names: Pepper

Age: 4 Years

Breed: American Shorthair Cat

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet, Divorce or separation

About Me: He is about 4 years old, fixed, and up to date on shots. He is very shy and timid, and it will take a long time for him to warm up. Probably a few weeks to be honest. He does not like boy animals, he gets territorial. He would thrive in a relaxed, quiet environment, preferably with no children. He is fine with kids, but if there are children it might be a little too loud, and that will delay him “coming out of his shell” He needs patience. He is the sweetest baby boy cat. He will hide at first. But he will warm up eventually. And when he does, he will be the best baby and best companion.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Quiet (laid back), Sensitive, Nervous, Shy (hides), Talkative 

My Pet Likes: To be petted. 

My pet is good with: Women

Would love a home with: lots of attention and a quiet home. 

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Anaseli at 689-318-3959 or [email protected]

Location: Orlando, FL

Posted Date: 1/22/25

Pet’s Names: Miller

Age: 2 Years

Breed: Australian Shepherd/Border Collie

Gender: Male & Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Divorce or separation, Not enough time to spend with pet.

About Me: Miller is still in his puppy like energy era. He has a silly personality and truly just wants love and attention. He loves being outside and hopping around in the grass and does great on a leash. He gets along with other animals and children. Is crate trained and does know basic commands.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Nervous, Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful.

My Pet Likes: To be with people. 

My pet is good with: Dogs, Cats, Children of any age, Men, Women, New People.

Would love a home with: a fenced yard and lots of love. 

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Emilee at 321-529-4010 or [email protected]

Location: Sanford, FL

Posted Date: 1/22/25

Pet’s Names: Pumpkin & Corky

Age: 2 Years

Breed: Golden Retrievers

Gender: Male & Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet, New baby in the household, Not enough time to spend with pet, Not enough space for pet.

About Me: Pumpkin is a very energetic and high-spirited dog. He loves a good pet and is a big bear hugger. Corky is a pretty and shy girl. She can be energetic like her brother but tends to be more restrained or sensitive than him. She loves to play with toys and her brother.

My Pet Is: 

Pumpkin: Active (lots of energy), Affectionate, Playful.

Corky: Active (lots of energy), Sensitive, Nervous, Affectionate, Playful, Shy (hides).

My Pet Likes: To be petted, To be with people. 

My pet is good with: 

Pumpkin: Children of any age, Men, Women.

Corky: Children of any age, Men, Women, New People.

Would love a home with: lots of attention, training, a big yard, and to be able to stay with each other! 

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Joshua at 772-241-4177 or [email protected]

Location: Vero Beach, FL

Posted Date: 1/20/25

Pet’s Names: Mellow

Age: 4 Years

Breed: Flame Point Siamese

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: New baby in the household, Landlord won’t allow pets. 

About Me: Mellow is the sweetest cat you could meet, he loves attention and will rub his head onto you looking for all the pats and rubs. He loves to play with lasers and other toys, he has his goofy moods sometimes and he’ll want to be next to you and relax alongside you other times. He loves sitting next to windows, soaking up the sun, he’ll meow sometimes and say his own name, “mellow”. He gets along with everyone but will be shy at first. He’s a very lovable and sweet cat.

My Pet Is: Calm, Friendly, Affectionate, Playful, Talkative. 

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, to be with people, to be petted.

My pet is good with: Cats, Children over 5yrs old, Men, Women.

Would love a home with: lots of attention.

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Lauretta at 702-767-4463 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL

Posted Date: 1/18/25

Pet’s Names: Calla Lily

Age: 4 Years

Breed: Pitbull Mix

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, Death in the family, Unsure of housing situation.

About Me: Calla Lily is a playful girl but can get carried away sometimes but you just have to remind her to be gentle. She loves long walks or just cuddling on the couch. She loves saying hi to everyone.

My Pet Is: Quiet (laid back), Friendly, Affectionate, Playful 

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car

My pet is good with: Men, Women

Would love a home with: a fenced yard and lots of attention.

Medical Issues: Heartworm Positive

Person to contact if interested: Amber at 806-893-9581 or [email protected]

Location: Orlando, FL

Posted Date: 1/18/25

Pet’s Names: Koda

Age: 4 Years

Breed: Australian Shepherd

Gender: Male

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Pet shows aggression towards one other dog in our home, does well with the other dog in the home though. 

About Me: Koda is a sweet, active, affectionate pup. He loves cuddles, will follow you everywhere, and will attempt to catch any flies in your home.

My Pet Is: Active (Lots of energy), Affectionate, Playful, Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car

My pet is good with: Children over 5yrs old, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: a fenced yard and lots of attention and exercise. 

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Haley at 321-634-4550

Location: Palm Bay, FL

Posted Date: 1/17/25

Pet’s Names: Zeze

Age: 1.5 Years

Breed: Orange Tabby Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, Can’t afford the costs involved with having the pet. 

About Me: N/A

My Pet Is: Quiet (laid back), Affectionate, Shy (hides)

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted 

My pet is good with: Cats, Children over 5yrs old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: N/A

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Dustin at 772-413-8373 or 772-584-2368 or [email protected]

Location: Fort Pierce, FL

Posted Date: 1/17/25

Pet’s Names: Sadie

Age: 1.5 Years

Breed: Flame Point Siamese

Gender: Female

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, Can’t afford the costs involved with having the pet. 

About Me: N/A

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Affectionate, Playful 

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted 

My pet is good with: Cats, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: N/A

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Dustin at 772-413-8373 or 772-584-2368 or [email protected]

Location: Fort Pierce, FL

Posted Date: 1/17/25

Pet’s Names: Oliver

Age: 4 Years

Breed: Shih Tzu

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, Pet shows aggression towards other animals.

About Me: Oliver is a lap dog who loves to give kisses (licks).  When it’s time for bed, he goes and gets his monkey toy to let us know he’s ready.  He loves to have happy hour snacks with us before dinner.  He never begs for foo, just looks at you with sad eyes.

My Pet Is: Nervous, Affectionate, Talkative.

My Pet Likes: To be held or carried, To be petted. 

My pet is good with: Children of all ages, Men. 

Would love a home with: a loving family or a single male. 

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Charles at 772-460-0925 or [email protected]

Location: Vero Beach, FL

Posted Date: 1/17/25

Pet’s Names: Mary

Age: 7 Months

Breed: Lab Mix

Gender: Female

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Pet shows aggression towards other animals. 

About Me: Mary is a good dog she loves to move her ears to show her moods (one ear up one down we call it “hat” to be playful) she has shown aggression towards other dogs and people it comes in random bursts or when she gets too playful.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Nervous, Talkative, Playful. 

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, To be with people, To be petted. 

My pet is good with: Women

Would love a home with: the experience to handle her.

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Britney at 863-214-3254 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL

Posted Date: 1/17/25

Pet’s Names: Ghost

Age: 2yrs

Breed: Bull Dog

Gender: Male

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Landlord won’t allow pets.

About Me: Very Friendly, great with small children and has lots of love to give to the perfect pack leader.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful. 

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car. 

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: a fenced yard and lots of love. 

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Courtney at 954-604-2020 or 954-329-7838 or [email protected]

Location: Plantation, FL

Posted Date: 1/17/25

Pet’s Names: Henry

Age: 13yrs

Breed: Dachshund

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, Not enough time to spend with pet.

About Me: He is loyal to a fault. 

He loves people, but he’s afraid of them at first so he’ll bark till he’s used to you.

He will lay on you, he’s very clingy but he’ll sleep in his own bed.

He loves blankies.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Nervous, Friendly, Eager to please, Talkative. 

My Pet Likes: To be held or carried, To be with people, To be petted. 

My pet is good with: Dogs and women. 

Would love a home with: someone who is home most of the time, someone who has patience.

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Lydia at 321-914-5580 or [email protected]

Location: Melbourne, FL

Posted Date: 1/17/25

Pet’s Names: Logan & Alisha (Can be adopted together or separate)

Age: 4yrs 

Breed: Lab/Husky Mixes

Gender: Male & Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Due to personal circumstances of my health I can’t provide attention; allergies to the pet. 

About Me: 

Meet LOGAN – A Loving, Energetic Cuddle Buddy! Logan is a sweet and energetic dog who loves to cuddle and thrives on affection. He’s perfect for someone who enjoys playtime and lots of snuggles. Personality is friendly, playful, and affectionate. He is house-trained. 

Meet ALISHA – Your New Best Friend! Alisha is a sweet, loving dog who’s ready to bring joy to her forever home! She has a heart full of love to give. Personality is incredibly friendly, loves to cuddle, and has an endless supply of playful energy. She adores children and would thrive in a home where she can be part of the family fun. Alisha needs a loving family who enjoys playtime, snuggles, and lots of love. She’s happiest when she’s surrounded by her people!

If you think you can provide Logan and/or Alisha with the loving home they deserve, please reach out. I’d love to discuss more about him and arrange a meet-and-greet. Serious inquiries only—finding the right match is very important to me!

My Pet Is: 

Logan – Friendly, Playful. 

Alisha – Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Affectionate, Playful 

My Pet Likes:

Both – To be with people, to be petted, to ride in the car. 

My pet is good with:

Logan – Dogs, Women. 

Alisha – Dogs, Women, New People. 

Would love a home with:

Logan and Alisha would love a home with a yard – they love to run. 

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Lizbeth at 732-484-5134 or [email protected]

Location: Apopka, FL

Posted Date: 1/17/25

Pet’s Names: Jolene

Age: 2.5-3yrs 

Breed: Mixed Breed

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Pet shows aggression towards other animals in the home.

About Me: Jolene is the sweetest dog towards people of the 5 dogs we currently have. She is very affectionate and just wants to cuddle on people and play. She is high energy and will be best with someone that can exercise her regularly. We took her in about 2 years ago from a friend who found Jolene abandoned, and unfortunately, she is dog reactive at times of high excitement (doorbell, people outside), and with 4 other dogs we are in desperate need of rehoming her to an environment where she will be the only pet. She is very good with kids, but her energy can cause a potential issue with young kids who aren’t as stable on their feet as adults.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To  be with people, to be petted, to ride in the car.

My pet is good with: Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: no other pets, exercise, lots of attention. 

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Chris at 617-866-7659 or [email protected]

Location: Maitland, FL

Courtesy Posts are used to assist the community in rehoming a personal pet, as an alternative to having to surrender to a Shelter. Because these pets are not at H.A.L.O., we cannot guarantee the temperament of any pet adopted through these posts. Please direct all inquiries to the name/number/e-mail listed.

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Kittens

Age: Less than 1yr

Breed: DSH Tabby Cats

Gender: Males

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet, Found in an abandoned apartment

About Me: Sweet, lovable, affectionate. Loves kids. Bonded pair of tabby cats. I, unfortunately, cannot have them. They were found at my husband’s job and only took them to find them homes.

My Pet Is: Friendly, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, To be with people, Playful 

My pet is good with: Dogs, Cats, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: n/a

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Connor at 331-452-1701 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Kittens

Age: Less than 1yr

Breed: DSH Tabby Cats

Gender: Males

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet, Found in an abandoned apartment

About Me: Sweet, lovable, affectionate. Loves kids. Bonded pair of tabby cats. I, unfortunately, cannot have them. They were found at my husband’s job and only took them to find them homes.

My Pet Is: Friendly, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, To be with people, Playful 

My pet is good with: Dogs, Cats, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: n/a

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Connor at 331-452-1701 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Lyra

Age: 6 Years

Breed: DSH Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Does not like other cats. 

About Me: Lyra is a sweet, lovable girl. She’s very shy at first. She doesn’t mind dogs if they leave her alone. She does not like other cats. She would be perfect for a relaxed, stress free environment. She is slow to come around but once she does she is a cuddler and loves to be in the same room with you. She responds best to being called Pretty Girl.

My Pet Is: Quiet (laid back), Nervous, Friendly, Affectionate, Shy (hides)

My Pet Likes: To be petted.

My pet is good with: Dogs, Women

Would love a home with: someone who will keep her indoors only and with no other cats. 

Medical Needs: None. 

Person to contact if interested: Danielle at 321-266-4421 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Nuke

Age: 1-2 Years

Breed: American Pit Bull Terrier

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Current dog in home is aggressive towards him. 

About Me: Meet Nuke! He is a 90-95 lb pitbull terrier that is a joy to be around. He likes to play rough with other dogs and it would be ideal if he was the only dog in the home. He loves to run and has impeccable obedience. He loves to walk on a leash and go for walks. He would do best in a single dog, no children home due to his size and strength. He loves to also cuddle on the couch and hasn’t met a snack he doesn’t like!

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be with people, to be petted.

My pet is good with: Children over 10 years old, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: a fenced yard, exercise daily, and lots of toys. 

Medical Needs: Apoquel for allergies.

Person to contact if interested: Kaitlin at 772-480-8957 or 772-633-7556 or [email protected]

Location: Vero Beach, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Sasha

Age: 7.5 Years

Breed: Rottweiler

Gender: Female

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Not enough time to spend with pet, Landlord won’t allow pets, Not enough space for pet, Pet shows aggression towards other animals, HOA I’m renting out of is insisting she leave property as well.

About Me: Snuggle and chew on her toys, loves to play tug of war with rope.

My Pet Is: Sensitive, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car.

My pet is good with: Children over 10 years old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: a fully fenced yard with no gaps, lots of snuggles, children over 10. 

Medical Needs: none.

Person to contact if interested: Jeanna at 978-751-6370 or [email protected]

Location: Titusville, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Bear

Age: 1 Year

Breed: Husky / Pit Mix

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Part of a litter that is now showing pack aggression and needs to be separated

About Me: Super sweet, thinks he is a lap dog. Wants to cuddle all day!

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be petted, To be brushed, To be with people, To ride in the car

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: a fenced yard. 

Medical Needs: none.

Person to contact if interested: Jackie at 678-378-8869 or [email protected]

Location: St. Cloud, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Meg

Age: 1 Year

Breed: Husky / Pit Mix

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Part of a litter that is now showing pack aggression and needs to be separated

About Me: Meg is a big goofball, doesn’t realize she is a giant just wants to cuddle and run around.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be petted, To be brushed, To ride in the car, To be with people.

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: a fenced yard. 

Medical Needs: none.

Person to contact if interested: Jackie at 678-378-8869 or [email protected]

Location: St. Cloud, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Buddy

Age: 7 Years

Breed: Pit Bull / Terrier Mix

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Death in the family.

About Me: Buddy is a very loving and affectionate dog.  He is happiest when getting scratched on his belly.  He is playful and loves to play along with his person.  He also tries to speak the words I Love You.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Nervous, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be petted, To ride in the car

My pet is good with: Men + Women

Would love a home with: fenced yard, to be the only dog, and no small children. 

Medical Needs: none.

Person to contact if interested: Jane at 772-532-8593 or [email protected] [email protected]

Location: Sebastian, FL

Posted Date: 2/17/25

Pet’s Names: Luna

Age: 4 Years

Breed: White DLH Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: New person in home does not get along with pet; Landlord won’t allow pets.

About Me: n/a

My Pet Is: Calm, Friendly, Shy (hides), Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be petted

My pet is good with: Children Over 10 Years Old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: n/a 

Medical Needs: none.

Person to contact if interested: Meghan at (772) 940-6276 or [email protected]

Location: Sebastian, FL 

Posted Date: 2/8/25

Pet’s Names: Princess

Age: 9 Years

Breed: Black & White DSH Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: New person in home does not get along with pet. 

About Me: My Princess is a loving, cuddling, well behaved cat. She loves people and is always out hanging out with everyone who comes over. We recently have a new toddler in our home, and Princess is stress grooming. I hate to get rid of her, however she doesn’t deserve to be stressed out. She gets along well with other animals, and possibly a toddler who knows how to treat her properly.

My Pet Is: Quiet (laid back), Calm, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children Over 5 Years Old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: attention and love.  

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Jennifer 321-848-3920 or [email protected]

Location: Rockledge, FL 

Posted Date: 2/8/25

Pet’s Names: Sage

Age: 1 Year

Breed: Bull Mix

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles. 

About Me: Sage is truly a fun loving sweet girl. Sage loves to spend time with her owners and loves to play fetch. Sage is also obsessed with watching other dogs on tv 😂 

She is a great listener, eager to please her owners and learns very quickly.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Sensitive, Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful, Shy (hides), Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car.  

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children of all ages, Men, Women

Would love a home with: fenced yard. 

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Candice at 508-566-4260 or [email protected]

Location: Port St. Lucie, FL 

Posted Date: 2/8/25

Pet’s Names: Oscar

Age: 5 Years 

Breed: Beagle / Treeing Walker Coonhound

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Not the right home.

About Me: Oscar is a sweet lovable dog. He is house, crate, and command trained. He loves pets, hugs and playing. He currently lives with two small dogs and his grandma and grandpa. He used to live with two cats and respects their space. His mom was no longer able to care for him, but unfortunately, we are not the right home for him.

Oscar is very much a sight, and scent hound. He air-scents, bays, and if given the opportunity, chases prey.

He will require an experienced owner.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Playful, Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted. 

My pet is good with: Dogs, Cats, Men, Women

Would love a home with: a high fenced yard and trees.

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Liz at 630-777-1174 or 630-506-4120 or [email protected]

Location: Jupiter, FL

Posted Date: 2/8/25

Pet’s Names: Bear

Age: 10 Months

Breed: Black Lab / Heeler 

Gender: Male

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet; Not enough time to spend with pet; Landlord won’t allow pets; Not enough space for pet; Pet grew larger than expected; Playful needs a yard. 

About Me: n/a

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful 

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, To be with people, To be petted

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children Over 5 Years Old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: fenced yard and play time.

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Kathy at 706-982-2638 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL

Posted Date: 2/8/25

Pet’s Names: Milo

Age: 1.5 Years

Breed: Brown Tabby Cat

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, Allergic to the pet

About Me: Milo is a very social and friendly kitty who loves to play and cuddle. He enjoys being with company and will follow you around. He has no hesitance with new people or pets. Extremely sweet and lovable!

My Pet Is: Sensitive, Calm, Friendly, Affectionate, Playful, Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be held or carried, To be with people, To be petted. 

My pet is good with: Dogs, Cats, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: attention and care.

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Adriana at 786-328-1531 or [email protected]

Location: Miami, FL

Posted Date: 2/7/25

Pet’s Names: Kaja

Age: 5 Years

Breed: English Pointer

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Not enough time to spend with pet, Pet destroys furnishings, pet is too loud. 

About Me: Kaja loves being outdoors. She is friendly and will follow you everywhere. She likes other animals and humans and will approach you to say hello. Her breed is known to have a stubborn streak, but she will listen when called. She would rather sit next to her human than sit in her own bed.

My Pet Is: Nervous, Calm, Friendly

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car.

My pet is good with: Dogs, Cats, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: acreage; constant company of a human. 

Medical Issues: None.

Person to contact if interested: Hanna at 805-760-7066 or [email protected]

Location: Palm Bay, FL

Posted Date: 2/7/25

Pet’s Names: Xena

Age: 3 Years

Breed: German Shepherd Mix

Gender: Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Not enough time to spend with pet, Not enough space for pet, Pet shows aggression towards other animals.

About Me: She loves to be with someone as much as possible. She loves to play and is sweet.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Sensitive, Nervous, Eager to please, Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be with people. 

My pet is good with: Children over 10 years old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: No other pets and someone who can spend most of their time with her.

Medical Issues: She is on Prozac, but has no medical issues.

Person to contact if interested: Alyssa at 509-828-3118 or 509-319-5131 or [email protected]

Location: Rockledge, FL

Posted Date: 2/7/25

Pet’s Names: Baby Bear & Camo

Age: 12 Years / 10 Years

Breed: Black DLH Cat / Orange & White DSH Cat

Gender: Males

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed:Personal or family health troubles, Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet, Death in the family, Not enough time to spend with pet, Allergic to the pet, Moving in with elderly father who is allergic.

About Me: Bear found me several years ago so I do not know his/her age.  He loves to drink like a raccoon (also called baby Bear) from his paws.  He loves attention and being on the screened patio.  He is very laid back and loves to snuggle and care for Camo (bonded pair) and me.  He does not know he is a cat except he likes to sleep.

Camo is an absolute blast! He greets you at the front door. He is extremely affectionate with me and climbs all over me.  He loves to play and run around.  As soon as you put a cardboard box on the floor he is jumping into it.  He also likes to get under the covers when you make the bed. He loves his tower and scratching posts.  He doesn’t not claw furniture (neither does Bear but I forgot to put that).  I have had him since he was a baby but I didn’t write down when that was.

My Pet Is: Bear – Quiet (laid back), Calm, Friendly, Playful 

Came – Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Affectionate, Playful, Talkative

My Pet Likes: Bear – To be with people, To be petted

Came – To be held or carried, To be with people, To be petted.

My pet is good with: Children over 10 years old, Men, Women

Would love a home with: Bear – someone to spend time and love on him. 

Camo – Lots of attention and an outside area (patio). I would love for the home to be close so I could visit periodically.  Camo is very attached to me and it breaks my heart to have to rehome him.  He is so playful, but it isn’t an issue.  He tuckers out pretty quickly.

Medical Issues: None

Person to contact if interested: Christine at 321-431-0687 or [email protected] 

Location: Grant, FL

Posted Date: 2/5/25

Pet’s Names: Rico & Nala

Age: 9 Years

Breed: Large Mixed Breeds

Gender: Male & Female

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Personal or family health troubles, Can’t afford the costs involved with having a pet, Not enough time to spend with pet, Not enough space for pet, I had spine surgery and they are too much for me to handle now.

About Me: Rico is a big goof. Very sweet and energetic. Loves attention. Loves kids. Loves car rides. His favorite thing to do is go outside and sniff every piece of grass he can lol He loves to tug his bone toy with his sister, Nala and he loves her very much!

Nala is very loving. She enjoys chewing her bone. She is very laid back. Enjoys attention and affection. Loves kids and outside time. She loves her brother Rico the most.

My Pet Is: Rico – Active (lots of energy), Sensitive, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful

Nala – Quiet (laid back), Calm, Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate

My Pet Likes: To be brushed, To be with people, To be petted, To ride in the car

My pet is good with: Dogs, Children of all ages, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: lots of attention and a yard to go outside and explore.

Medical Issues: None

Person to contact if interested: Daphne at 772-302-1557 or 772-370-6544 or [email protected]

Location: Vero Beach, FL

Posted Date: 2/5/25

Pet’s Names: Loki

Age: 4 Years

Breed: Mixed Breed

Gender: Male

Fixed: Yes

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: New baby in the household, Pet is struggling to live with his sibling

About Me: Loki is a lover, loves walks, to have his back scratched and enjoys being around people.  He likes chasing squirrels.  

He is a fun loving dog and loves to go on walks.  He also thinks he is a small dog when he is 80lbs. He is crate trained and likes sleeping in his crate.

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Quiet (laid back), Calm, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful, Talkative

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted, To be brushed, To ride in the car.

My pet is good with: Children Over 5yrs, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: fenced yard, lots of back scratches, lots of walks (he loves them!) 

Medical Issues: Seasonal Allergies

Person to contact if interested: Michelle at 412-523-3105 or [email protected]

Location: Jupiter, FL

Posted Date: 2/5/25

Pet’s Names: Midnight

Age: 8 Months

Breed: Lab / Pit Mix

Gender: Male

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: Yes

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Landlord won’t allow pets.

About Me: Sweet active boy. Likes to cuddle. Had to move and can’t keep him. 8 months old, very friendly, gets along well with other dogs. 

My Pet Is: Active (lots of energy), Friendly, Eager to please, Affectionate, Playful

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted.

My pet is good with: Dogs, Men, Women, New People

Would love a home with: fenced yard preferably for exercise and lots of attention. 

Medical Issues: None

Person to contact if interested: Walter at 321-288-5548 or [email protected]

Location: West Melbourne, FL

Posted Date: 1/30/25

Pet’s Names: Summer Rose

Age: 5 Years

Breed: Boxer/Terrier Mix

Gender: Female

Fixed: No

Up to Date on vaccines: No

Reason Pet Is Being Rehomed: Landlord won’t allow pets.

About Me: Loves to cuddle and kiss. Very happy dog. Crate and house trained. 

My Pet Is: Quiet (laid back), Affectionate. 

My Pet Likes: To be with people, To be petted.

My pet is good with: Children of all ages, men, women. 

Would love a home with: lots of attention.

Medical Issues: None

Person to contact if interested: Anteria at 772-778-0109 or [email protected]

Location: Sebastian, FL