
Ambassador Foster Program
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This program was initiated in an effort to get more dogs and cats out of the shelter. Each foster family is provided with the necessary training by H.A.L.O. staff as well as supplies and a care package. It allows each animal to become accustomed to living in a home, receive one-on-one training from their foster family which greatly increases their adoption potential, and allows the shelter to save more lives. It also allows for those animals with medical treatments to be done in the quiet and comfort of a home. The number of animals we can save depends entirely on the number of people who open their homes and hearts to foster them!

Bottle Baby Foster Program
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Sugar Faces Foster Program
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Many of the senior pets at H.A.L.O. are overlooked due to age and medical needs and often spend years in the shelter instead of enjoying their golden years in a loving home. The Sugar Faces Foster Program provides our senior pets with the opportunity to live the remainder of their lives in a safe and happy home environment. It also allows for those seniors with medical treatments to be done in the quiet and comfort of a home. Each foster family is provided with the necessary training by H.A.L.O. staff as well as medical care and supplies.
Why Foster?
Because many dogs and cats cannot come directly into H.A.L.O., the only way that we can save these animals is with the help of loving foster homes. Being a rescue foster family has rewards beyond the essential value of helping a pet in need find a new home. For some, it is a chance to have an animal companion without a lifetime commitment, or to try new companions for an existing pet. For others, it is the special challenge of helping an animal recover from an illness or injury, the trauma of losing a beloved owner or home, or to overcome a behavioral issue. Sometimes, it is the joy of giving extra TLC to kittens and puppies too young to be adopted. Whatever your reason for fostering, the love and fulfillment you receive from helping an animal in need is priceless!
How long can I expect to Foster a rescue pet?
Generally, a foster family will keep animals an average of two (2) weeks unless it is medically or behaviourally needed to keep longer. Some rescues may need more time in their foster home due to age, illness, injury or behavioral issues. You will be told up-front before you agree to foster the pet how long of a commitment we believe it will be.
What are my responsibilities as a Foster?
- Provide a safe, clean, caring environment
- Provide food, water, litter, and toys/enrichment
- Provide exercise and socialization as appropriate
- Monitor any medical and/or behavioral problems
- Transport to/from any necessary vet appointments
- Transport to/from offsite adoption events
- In certain cases, especially for cats and bottle baby kittens, the foster pets require isolation from other animals in the home for 10-14 days or longer if the foster pet is sick