Volunteer (Main Shelter)
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the animals at the Main Shelter in Sebastian! We’re looking for passionate volunteers to join our family! Whether you have a few hours a week or more, your time can help us provide care, love, and forever homes to the animals who need it most.
No experience? No problem! We provide all the training you need.
How do I Start?
The first step is to complete our volunteer application which helps us get to know you and your interests.
Once your application is received, our Animal Care Manager will get back to you by email to schedule you for a one-on-one interview to discuss expectations and give you a shelter tour to get the lay of the land!
Is there a minimum time requirement?
Yes! To ensure consistency in the care and operation of the shelter, we ask for a minimum of 4 hours per month. We also ask that a minimum of 2 of those hours are completed as Shelter Support. You can do more!
That said, we do understand our snowbirds need to fly home for the summer and we will welcome you back with open arms when you return!
Can I volunteer if I'm a vacationer?
Our Guest Volunteers are super important to us. Not only do you help care for the animals, but you are also our biggest advocate in raising awareness about H.A.L.O. and our mission.
Your activities at a Guest Volunteer will make a meaningful impact without needing extensive training.
Guest Volunteer Activities include:
– Dog socialization: Spend time in our Meet & Greet room or Training Yard with a dog!
– Cat socialization: Play with, pet, and brush cats to provide companionship and reduce their stress.
– Cleaning and organizing: Simple tasks like washing bowls, folding laundry, or organizing supplies can help the shelter immensely.
– Enrichment prep: Preparing enrichment toys, like stuffing Kongs with treats, making catnip toys, or assembling puzzle feeders for the animals.
– Photography: If you have photography skills, take pictures of adoptable animals, which helps with online listings and social media.
– Bath Buddy: Give dogs or cats basic grooming, such as brushing or bathing.
There is a Simple Registration Process:
Complete the online Volunteer Application and our Animal Care Manager will get you scheduled to come in for a shelter tour and throw you into the shallow end with a member of staff or an Advanced Volunteer!
Is there an age requirement?
Yes! At H.A.L.O.’s Main Shelter we do have an age requirement. You must be 15-16 years old (with a parent) and 17+ to volunteer here. Handling animals and managing tasks in a busy environment can be harder on our younger Hoomans. Remember these animals are not home and many are coming to us scared. This requires a much different level of skill to keep them and you safe during your time helping!
What can I expect for my 1st day as a Volunteer?
Volunteering is rewarding, but also not all snuggles! For your first 10 hours as a volunteer at the shelter, you will be immersed in Shelter Support ONLY. This includes learning the ropes alongside the caretakers. During this time you will be helping with laundry, food prep, cage cleaning and other janitorial needs!
When can I start playing with the animals?
After your initial 10 Shelter Support hours and Orientation Class are completed, a world of Opportunities opens up to you! This doesn’t mean we don’t ever want to see you in laundry, but now that you are trained and familiar with the Shelter comings and goings, you can begin to sign up for various Animal Encounters.
What is the Orientation Class?
Orientation classes are held at 1PM on the last Sunday of every month at our Main Sebastian location and last about 1 hour. During your orientation you will receive tips and tricks for making your volunteer time the best experience for you and the animals. This will include:
Animal Behavior & Safety: Understanding the unique needs of dogs, cats and other animals in the shelter.
Shelter Procedures: Learning the daily routines of feeding, cleaning, and animal care.
Dog Walking: Learn safety protocols for taking a dog off the shelter property for a walk.
Event Handling: Learn safety protocols for handling dogs at an event.
First Aid for Animals: Basic care tips and emergency procedures to ensure animal safety.
The Orientation class does not need to be completed prior to your initial 10-hour Shelter Support, but is a requirement to be completed prior to any Animal Encounters.
As a volunteer, can I take a dog or cat out of the shelter?
Yes! After you have completed 50 volunteer hours with us, the world is now your oyster as now you should be fully immersed in the H.A.L.O. family both two and four-legged. Now you can add daycations and slumber parties along with event handling to your Advanced Animal Encounter Opportunities!
Why do I need to sign in and out?
Signing in and out is very important! This ensures your safety in the event of an emergency and volunteer hours are used as data for many Grant opportunities!
There will be a sign in sheet at the front desk. Don’t forget to make your hours count!
Where do I sign in and out?
At the front desk! Once your intial 1st day volunteering is set with the Animal Care Manager, as you come in and out, you can speak to anyone in our front team to sign in and out.
To sign up to come back, make sure to contact the Animal Care Manager to place you on the schedule!
What should I do if I cannot come?
Please remember we rely on you as we do a staff member, so do not leave us hanging or worried something has happened to you! If you have an emergency and you cannot make your shift, please call or email us. Don’t make us paw-slap you!
Who is this wonderful Animal Care Manager?
That would be Michelle! Promise you will love working with her through the volunteer process. The best way to reach her is via email, [email protected] (if you’re a cat person only- try not to hold her email address against her- she loves all species!)
Shelter Support

Dog Den Support
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Long nights make for messy mornings! As our handlers arrive for the day and take the dogs outside, it’s time to clean their areas and give them fresh bedding and water. You will be working alongside a staff member to help prepare each kennel. A helpful hint: Wear something you don’t mind getting dirty! (And closed toed shoes, of course)
**Before cleaning each kennel, make sure there are no dogs inside with you. Please do not interact with any of the dogs, some of them are nervous, reactive or don’t like strangers**
- Go through and pick up all empty bowls and place in the sink in the hallway.
- If there are any bowls with food still in them, record the amount of food leftover (1/2 cup, full bowl etc.) in the notebook on the counter.
- Start picking up soiled laundry from each kennel. If the items are covered in poop, they can be thrown away. Any other items can be washed and should be taken to the dirty laundry area.
- If you notice that a dog is shredding any blankets, clean out and do not replace with laundry. Record in the notebook who shredded the item.
- Sweep out kennels.
- Saturate each kennel with disinfectant (Including cage doors, walls and floors). Let sit for 5 mins.
- Wipe down walls and guillotine door.
- Mop all kennel floors.
- Take out each water bucket, clean and fill with fresh water.

Cat Caretaker
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Cats tend to have 3 am zoomies, even here at the shelter. That creates a big mess for our staff in the morning. As part of our turn down service, you’ll work side by side with a staff member putting their homes back together.
- Clean 1 condo at a time.
- Pull out the litter boxes and scoop thoroughly. If litter needs to be replaced, empty into trash and spray down litter boxes with rescue disinfectant. Let sit for 5 minutes.
- While the litter box is disinfecting, take out the dirty blankets/towels from each cage.
- Starting top to bottom, wipe down walls and platforms with Lysol wipes.
- Replace with clean laundry.
- Remove the water bowl and clean thoroughly in the sink. Fill with fresh water and put back into cage. Dump old food and ask a staff member to refill with fresh food.
- Return to the litter box and wipe down with paper towels. Fill with fresh water and put back into cage.
- Repeat process with every condo.

Quarantine Quarters
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Probably one of the most important areas of H.A.L.O. is our quarantine building. All the strays and surrendered dogs are transferred to this area and start a rigorous medical process. You will have a member of the staff with you to help you with cleaning.
- Our staff members will remove all the dogs from indoors and place them in an outdoor kennel.
- Remove soiled laundry from cages. If pooped on, please throw away. If just urinated on, or dirty, place in washer. *The quarantine building has its own washer*
- Remove food and water bowls and place in the sink to wash later.
- Saturate all the smaller kennels with a disinfectant called Rescue. Let sit for 5 minutes, then wipe up with Lysol wipes or paper towels. (This includes the bars on the front of each cage)
- In the larger kennels, remove all poop and fur/debris before cleaning the floors. Then scrub the floors with disinfectant/bleach and let sit for 5 minutes. Then hose.
- Once everything has been cleaned, make sure each cage has fresh bedding/towels.
- Wash the dishes in the sink and make sure the small cages all have fresh water. The larger kennels have automatic waterers and just need to be thoroughly cleaned.
- Our staff members will then bring all the dogs back indoors, and you can start cleaning the outdoor runs.
- Scoop all poop / fur / debris from kennels.
- Saturate each run with a bleach/floor cleaner combo and scrub with deck brush.
- Hose each kennel and squeegee dry.

Bone Appetit! Food Prep
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The fastest way to a dog’s heart… you guessed it! Food! Each animal at H.A.L.O. has a specific diet to meet their individual needs. It’s extremely important to make sure they’re receiving the proper nutrition. During food preparation, you will have a member of our dog team helping you if needed.
- Each dog hallway has a white board with all diet directions. They’re labeled 1-40. Start with 1 hallway and prepare bowls on 1 side first.
- Fill bowls with dry food listed on the white boards (Some dogs require a slow feeder)
- Carefully place each bowl on the counter above the correct dog. Continue for all dogs listed.
- Each dog gets 1 pump of apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp. of pumpkin, and 1 tsp of yogurt.
- Some dogs will get wet food added to their bowls. Go through and add wet to those who require it.
- Stir each bowl thoroughly.
Dishes! Lots of hungry mouths, make a lot of dirty dishes! Even the most tedious tasks are important here at H.A.L.O.
- Fill the hallway sink about ¾ full of hot water and add ¼ of bleach and 2 TBSP of dawn dish detergent.
- Using the sponges or brushes provided, scrub each bowl.
- Rinse with hot water and place dishes on the drying rack above the sink.
- Once all dishes are washed, add any rubber toys to the sink and let them soak for 20 minutes.
- While you wait, please wipe down counters, take out trash, organize the food prep area and tidy up.
- When scrubbing the toys, make sure you clean any holes that may be filled with leftover food (like peanut butter). Place on the drying rack and drain the sink.

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Laundry is a fundamental part of HALO’s everyday process. The animals need the comfort of thick blankets for sleeping on these hard concrete floors/kennels, we need towels for cleaning and bathing, fleece for our rabbits and guinea pigs to keep them from getting hurt… You get the idea! So, here are some basic instructions for our laundry process.
Washing dirty laundry:
- Located just outside the laundry shed, there are laundry bins labeled: Towels, Blankets, Sheets, fleece.
- Please only wash like items together (towels with towels, blankets with blankets, etc.)
- Shake each item out before placing into washing machines.
- Make sure the load is not too large. (10 towels = 1 load)
- Add both detergent and bleach to each load (follow instructions on container.)
- Press start (all knobs are currently set on the correct setting.)
Drying laundry:
- Clean lint trap
- Place wet laundry into dryer (remember to keep like items together – fleece with fleece)
- Push knob to start (all knobs are currently set on the correct setting.)
Clean/Dry laundry:
- Fold neatly and place into the laundry shed with like items.
- When finished for the day, sweep floors, take out the trash, and restock any needed items.

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Life can get messy around here quick! The staff can get overwhelmed showing dogs to customers, cleaning kennels, training etc. so, help with the rest of the house is welcomed. Listed below are some tasks our volunteers can help with.
Front of HALO:
- Stack crates up neatly
- Bring donations inside and place in back hallway
Pet shop:
- Clean sliding glass doors / front door with windex
- Take out trash from pet shop and meet and greet room
- Wipe down cat condos with disinfectant
- Sweep floors if needed
- Take out trash
- Sweep if needed
Back hallway:
- Take out trash
- Wash any dishes in sink
- Clean out and organize big fridge
- Wipe down counters / food prep area
- Organize canned food cabinets
- Sweep and mop floors
- Wipe down counters
- Take out trash
- Cleab mirror
- Scrub toilet
- Sweep and mop
Animal Encounters
All Animal Encounters require completion of our Orientation Class!

Mental (Dogs)
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Let’s add some mental enrichment through activities like these!
Training Sessions: Teach basic commands or tricks using positive reinforcement techniques. Short, frequent sessions can be very stimulating.
Scent Games: Hide treats or toys around the kennel and encourage dogs to find them using their sense of smell.
Enrichment Boxes: Create boxes or bags filled with various textures and scents for dogs to explore and investigate.
Have an idea, let us know! You are their voice and we are here to listen!

Physical (Dogs)
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Physical Enrichment at H.A.L.O. includes:
Interactive Toys: Use puzzle toys, Kongs stuffed with treats, or treat-dispenting toys to keep dogs engaged.
Dog Walking: Walks provide physical exercise and mental stimulation through novel sights and smells. ADVANCED TRAINING REQUIREMENT
Playtime: Regular play sessions with toys, balls, or frisbees to keep dogs active and engaged.
Have an idea, let us know! You are their voice and we are here to listen!

Canine Social Hour!
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Social Time at H.A.L.O. includes:
Meet the Packs: Supervised playgroups with compatible dogs offer important social interactions and physical activity. These also improve socialization skills, especially for dogs who may struggle with other dogs.
Shy Dog Socializer: Join a dedicated group who play a crucial role in transforming the lives of our shy and nervous dogs. Help these dogs come out of their shells, building confidence and trust.
Have an idea, let us know! You are their voice and we are here to listen!

Mental (Cats)
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Let’s add some mental enrichment through activities like these!
Scent Enrichment: Introduce new scents to the environment, such as catnip to provide olfactory stimulation.
Library Hour: Read to the cats! They like it!
Training Sessions: Can’t teach a cat new trick? Nonsense! Clicker training uses positive reinforcement to engage a cat mentally and helps them learn simple behaviors. like coming when called for a treat.
Have an idea, let us know! You are their voice and we are here to listen!

Physical (Cats)
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Physical Enrichment at H.A.L.O. includes:
Interactive Toys: Wand toys with feathers, strings or plush animals mimic prey and encourage cat’s hunting instincts.
Puzzle Feeders: Encourage cats to work for food, stimulating their brains and giving them a sense of reward.
Laser Pointers: Great for short bursts of high-energy play, allowing cats to chase and pounce.
Bubble Play: Blowing cat-safe bubbles can be a fun way for cats to chase and pop them, stimulating both their sight and hunting instincts.
Have an idea, let us know! You are their voice and we are here to listen!

Feline Social Hour!
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Social Time at H.A.L.O. includes:
Meet the Cats: Supervised playgroups with other cats can be a great way to let them interact, explore, and develop their social skills.
Purr Time: Just spending time with you, whether through petting, brushing, or talking, helps reduce stress levels and builds trust.
Have an idea, let us know! You are their voice and we are here to listen!

Bath Buddy
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Regular grooming sessions, like brushing or baths. not only maintain the dog’s health but also helps them enjoy human contact and develop patience. Dogs only cause who is brave enough to bathe a cat?!

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Have a knack for getting the perfect shot, we need you! Many of our animals are first viewed online through our website or many social media platforms. The perfect shot can easily seal the deal to finding a perfect home!
Advanced Animal Encounters

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Setting up a daycation for an animal in a shelter can be a rewarding experience, helping them experience a break from the shelter environment while providing bonding opportunities.
Some ideas include, but your mind is the limit!
-Walks or Hikes- Take time out for a good sniff!
-Beach Day- Who doesn’t like to dig in the sand?! Well, maybe not a cat!
-Zoomie Day- Have a fenced in yard a pup might want to play in?!
-Pool Day- Splish Splash (lifejackets required please)
-Cuddles on the Couch
-Spa Day- Have a groomer that wants to get involved in some pampering or maybe you’ve got skills?!
Daycations ideas must be approved by the Animal Care Manager ahead of time.
A daycation is a great opportunity to showcase the adoptable animal. You will be matched with a dog or cat that we feel will do well in the setting you have created. We ask you still make sure the day’s activities don’t overwhelm or stress the animal by including breaks for rest and downtime or maybe even a change of plans!
By creating an enjoyable, structured, and engaging environment, a daycation at an animal shelter can promote animal well-being and provide potential adopters with a unique, hands-on way to connect with the animals.
A Foster Application must also be completed and approved prior, https://halorescuefl.org/get-involved/foster/

Slumber Party!
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A slumber party is a creative and heartwarming way to foster deeper connections through a comforting environment for the animal while offering them a break from the shelter and promoting bonding.
Your feedback on the experience is key! Make sure to let us know how the animal behaved in your home. Share photos or stories from the slumber party so that we can highlight them on social media and adoption profiles.
A slumber party offers a unique opportunity for animals to experience comfort and companionship in a calm setting. It also allows us to understand the needs of the animal in a home to create a more successful connection promoting adoption.
A Foster Application must also be completed and approved prior, https://halorescuefl.org/get-involved/foster/

Event Handler!
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There is nothing more rewarding than helping a dog find a forever home! Many of our events open up the opportunity to take a dog along. As fun as events are, you do have an extra responsibility than most to ensure the safety of your dog, other animals and the Hoomans you encounter along the way. But don’t worry… our Orientation Class will prepare you for this big rewarding step!