

You need to come in and meet our little miss Lola. She’s sugar-sweet and oh so soft and ready for her life as your best buddy! Lola is just about eight months old and is the perfect age and temperament for any training you might want to try. Or, you could just...


We’re talking ridiculously cute here! This girl is downright adorable. A sweet lop-eared softie that loves to get some floor time to explore her environment. She likes to unstack her little cups, play with balls and explore in tunnels. Poptart goes bananas for...


Oh my goodness – a real-life Peep Rabbit! Just look at that little face and the button nose!! We can hardly stand this level of cute! She’s super sweet and likes to binky kick and munch on her favorite veggies with an occasional zoomie thrown in – she is a...