Surrender a Pet
At H.A.L.O., we understand that sometimes it is just not possible to keep your pet but before making the decision to surrender your pet to the shelter, please consider all of your options. Know that even a loving no-kill shelter is a stressful new environment for any pet.
We can help!
Please note that because we are committed to every pet in our care, and the animals in our facility forever have a home with us until they are adopted, H.A.L.O. manages animal intakes based on our space and resource availability. We are among the thousands of shelters across the country currently experiencing an increase in intakes, especially of medium to large sized dogs, so we generally remain at capacity and operate off a lengthy Surrender Request List to bring in new pets as space is made.
If you are in need of our help, the first step is to fill out our Surrender Request Form. Once received, our team will review it and contact you to let you know how we can help!
With more animals needing to be surrendered than there are being adopted, we can only take animals in as space becomes available, and are only able to accept pets who can pass a temperament test upon intake. In order to be contacted when kennel space becomes available, your pet must meet H.A.L.O.’s intake requirements, which are as follows:
- ALL pets (cats, dogs, & small pets) must be able to be handled safely and without incident by our Care Staff upon intake.
- Medium to Large sized dogs must additionally be able to be introduced to another energy-neutral dog of similar size without displaying dog-aggression.
- Due to the length of our current waitlist, we are unfortunately unable to add any more dogs with bite histories AND/OR major aggression issues to our waitlist at this time.
We suggest submitting the Surrender Request Form to us with as much time as possible prior to the day you wish to surrender. Waiting until the day you need to surrender highly decreases the likelihood of our ability to intake at our facility.
Although we do generally need the Surrender Request Form to be completed before an intake decision can be made, if you are uncertain as to whether your pet’s personality or history would make them ineligible for our program, please email us at [email protected]!
Please review this checklist prior to surrendering your pet to H.A.L.O.
1. If you are giving up your pet for behavioral reasons, please contact H.A.L.O. first (before you are too frustrated to handle) and talk to our staff, handlers and trainer. We may be able to help you solve the problem. There is nothing we have not come across!
2. Keep in mind many behavioral problems can be improved by having your pet spayed or neutered. Please contact your local vet. If you are local, Brevard Spay & Neuter has a good Low Cost Voucher Program.
3. If you absolutely cannot keep your pet, try reaching out to friends and relatives who may be able to give the pet a loving home. You never know who you know that would make a perfect fit!
4. If all else fails, please utilize our Courtesy Post. This simple application is a way to use H.A.L.O.’s large social media presence to showcase your pet and find a perfect match. We will help you with every step of the process because for us, success is keeping your pet out of the shelter.
5. Last, of course lean on us. Fill out the Owner Surrender Form and a H.A.L.O. staff member will get back to you as quickly as possible to let you know how we can help. As a no-kill shelter, we do fill up and may have to place your pet on a waiting list. If you do not have the time to wait, please see our Local Referral List of other no-kill shelters. For all no-kill shelters in the state of Florida, please visit our State Referral List. Please take the time to reach out to all of them for help. All you need is one with a spot for your pet that can provide them a safe haven!
6. If you have found a stray pregnant cat, nursing mom with kittens, or kittens without a mom, please fill out the Surrender Form for Momma Cats & Kittens.

DO’S & DON’TS for Pet Surrender
DON’T drop your pet off in the woods or countryside, assuming that it can take care of itself. Pets lack the skills necessary to survive on their own and may die of starvation or injury.
DON’T abandon your pet in a house or apartment you are moving out of, thinking that someone will eventually find it. This doesn’t always happen.
DON’T give your pet away to a stranger. You don’t know if that person is a responsible owner or even honest. Pets that end up in the wrong hands may be abused or sold to research laboratories.
DO try to place your pet with a trusted family member or friend. Be sure the friend or relative understands the commitment of time and resources your pet requires and that they would like the pet because it will be a good fit for their home. Shelters receive many pets from people who knew the previous owners and wanted to help them by taking in their pet, but who did so without realizing the effort involved in keeping the animal.
DO call us if you have exhausted all other possibilities.
What to Expect When Surrendering Your Pet
In order for the surrender process to go smoothly for both you and your pet, please review the below list of items we’ll need from you at time of surrender to ensure the best future care for your pet:
Surrender Form
In order to best help your pet, we ask that the Surrender Form be completed, along with a photo of the pet or pets you are looking to surrender. The application will gather all the information we need and a future adopter might need about your pet. Our Surrender Form asks detailed information about your pet’s health, behavior, habits, likes, and dislikes. This is really helpful for the people considering your pet for adoption and helps us decide what kind of home would be best for them. We also determine if your pet is a good candidate for our adoption program. Please be honest when answering these questions; let us know if your pet has a history of biting, refuses to use the litter box, has a serious or chronic medical condition, or any other problem. Know that we will not refuse an animal based on medical or behavioral issues, but we need to ensure we have the finances and ability to give your pet the care he/she needs and we will not place an animal for adoption that is ill or a danger to the community.
Please Note: If you adopted your pet from H.A.L.O., we will try our best to take them back, but we cannot guarantee intake. When completing the Surrender Form, make sure to include if your pet is a H.A.L.O. adoptee and we will make every effort to accomodate.
Release Form
Medical Records
Currently for new intakes, because of our ever-growing medical bills, we are asking for a donation to help offset any medical care. Your donation will help us get your pet ready for adoption.
While you can always call and check on your pet, we do not recommend you come and visit them. It can make it extremely confusing for them and set back the progress we make building new relationships with H.A.L.O.’s caretakers. Of course, remember to watch our Facebook page for the best day… their going home photo!
Please Note: If you have adopted from us, it is possible to do a contract, at no charge, with the friend or relative you’ve chosen to care for your pet. This contract can protect your pet for the rest of its life including transferring the pets microchip information.