Hurricane Prep: 5 Steps to Protect Your Pets

Prepping for hurricanes. Ugh. But this is the price we must pay to live in this beautiful paradise we call home. Some of us (ahem…me) wait until the very last moment to buy the necessary supplies for survival. (I’m not getting out of bed until it’s a Cat 3.) All...
Long Term Stay No Excuse for Euthanasia

Long Term Stay No Excuse for Euthanasia

At H.A.L.O., we do not believe an animal’s life has a time limit. There is no “end date” where we stop trying to find a fur-ever home for an animal and there will NEVER be one. Unfortunately, for many shelters, length of stay is a large deciding factor on when animals...

Fireworks Are the Devil

Fireworks – beautiful, bright and festive. As a child, I remember looking up at the sky in wonderment and awe, wishing the show would never end. As a pet parent, my feelings on the subject have slightly changed. I. HATE. THEM. Now don’t get me wrong, I still...
Kitten Fosters: A Glimpse in the Life

Kitten Fosters: A Glimpse in the Life

DID YOU KNOW? A female cat can go into heat every 3 weeks and can have 3 litters every year. With 4-6 kittens per litter, an adult female can have up to 18 kittens per year and if left unaltered, they can have 180 kittens in their lifetime. Just one female cat and her...
Here’s to the Misfits

Here’s to the Misfits

As a no-kill rescue, H.A.L.O. often ends up with extremely difficult cases where dogs are simply not adoptable due to aggressive and untrusting temperaments. At the beginning of 2019, we realized that half of our shelter space was filled with dogs that are not on the...